
Schedule - AIR.24

Program Schedule

Time Table

Week-1 (26 June 2024 - 02 July 2024) [Offline]

[ Nural Network | Deep Learning | Machine Learning | Python Programing ]
Days / Hours 1030-1300 1300-1430 1430-1700
WEDNESDAY Keynote Lecture and Inauguration L
Lecture: Fundamental of Neural Network (NN)
THURSDAY Lecture: Fundamental of Neural Network (NN) Hands-On : Python Programming (Introduction, Expression Variable)
FRIDAY Lecture : Fundamental of Convolution NN and Recurrent NN Hands-On : Python Programming (Functions, Conditions, Iterations)
SATURDAY Hands-On : Python Programming (Functions, Strings, Tuples) Week Off
SUNDAY Hands-On : Python Programming (Lists, Dictionaries, Sets) Week Off
MONDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Machine Learning Libraries (numpy) Lecture & Hands-On : Machine Learning Libraries (matplotlib)
TUESDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Machine Learning Libraries (pandas) Lecture & Hands-On : Data Preprocessing Techniques (Scaling, Missing Data, Encoding, etc.)

Week-2 (03 July 2024 - 09 July 2024) [Offline]

[ Machine Learning | Reinforcement Learning | Python Programing ]
Days / Hours 1030-1300 1300-1430 1430-1700
WEDNESDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Linear Regression, K-Nearest Neigbhor L
Lecture & Hands-On : K-Nearest Neigbhor, Support Vector Machine
THURSDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Support Vector MachineLecture, Deep Learning Lecture & Hands-On : Deep Learning Programming (Neuron, Perceptron) and CNN
FRIDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Convolutional Neural Network (at own data set) Lecture & Hands-On : Convolutional Neural Network and Transfer Learning (available dataset)
SATURDAY Week Off Week Off
SUNDAY Week Off Week Off
MONDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Memory Forensics: RAM capture (FTK-Imager) and Data Analysis of Forensic Image: Capturing Deleted Data and Partition Lecture & Hands-On : Hard Drive Forensics: Hashcalc and FTK Imager
TUESDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Time series analytics and Applications Lecture & Hands-On : Time series analytics and Applications

Week-3 (10 July 2024 - 16 July 2024) [Offline]

[ Reinforecment Learning | Robotics ]
Days / Hours 1030-1300 1300-1430 1430-1700
WEDNESDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Generative Adversial Network L
Lecture & Hands-On : Generative Adversial Network
THURSDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Embedded System for Image Processing Lecture & Hands-On : Reinforcement Learning
FRIDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Reinforcement Learning Lecture & Hands-On : Reinforcement Learning
SATURDAY Doubt Clearing Session (On Demand) Week Off
SUNDAY Week Off Week Off
MONDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Autonomous Navigation, SLAM and Its Classification Lecture & Hands-On : RTABmap to Mapping
TUESDAY Lecture & Hands-On : ORB SLAM3 Lecture & Hands-On : Graph Based SLAM

Week-4 (17 July 2024 - 23 July 2024) [Offline]

[ Robotics | Speech Procesing ]
Days / Hours 1030-1300 1300-1430 1430-1700
WEDNESDAY Lecture & Hands-On : Point Cloud Processing and Reconstruction L
Lecture & Hands-On : Point Cloud Stitchng and Environment Creation
THURSDAY Lecture : Autonomous Mobile Robots, Simultanious Localization and Mapping Hands-On : Simulations and ROS
FRIDAY Lecture : Motion Planning, Learning-based Robotics Hands-On : Control and Navigation with ROS
SATURDAY Doubt Clearing Session (On Demand) Week Off
SUNDAY Week Off Week Off
MONDAY Lecture : Expert Lecture Lecture : Expert Lecture
TUESDAY Certificate Distribution (30 Days Training) ---

Week-5 (24 July 2024 - 30 July 2024) [Online]

[ Machine Leaning Project ]
Days / Hours 1700-1900 Remark(s)
WEDNESDAY Define the Problem and Goal The first step is to identify a real-world problem you want to address with ML. This could be anything from spam email detection to stock price prediction. Clearly define what your project aims to achieve.
THURSDAY Data Collection Machine learning thrives on data. You'll need to collect relevant data for your project. This could involve scraping data from the web, using public datasets, or generating your own data. Ensure the data is high-quality and aligns with your project's goal.
FRIDAY Data Preprocessing Raw data often needs cleaning and preparation before feeding it to an ML model. This might involve handling missing values, removing outliers, converting data types, and formatting the data for your chosen algorithms.
SATURDAY Week Off Not Applicable
SUNDAY Week Off Not Applicable
MONDAY Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) Get familiar with your data! Use Python libraries like pandas and matplotlib to explore the data's distribution, identify patterns, and uncover relationships between features. This helps you understand your data better and choose suitable ML techniques.
TUESDAY Model Selection There are various ML models available, each suited for specific tasks. Common choices include linear regression, decision trees, and neural networks. Consider the problem you're tackling and the characteristics of your data when selecting a model.

Week-6 (31 July 2024 - 06 August 2024) [Online]

[ Robotics Project ]
Days / Hours 1700-1900 Remark(s)
WEDNESDAY Model Training Split your data into training and testing sets. The training set is used to train your model, while the testing set evaluates its performance on unseen data. Train your model using the chosen algorithm and the training data.
THURSDAY Model Evaluation Once trained, assess your model's performance on the testing set. Metrics like accuracy, precision, and recall help gauge how well your model generalizes to unseen data.
FRIDAY Model Improvement Evaluation might reveal areas for improvement. You can try tuning hyperparameters, adjusting the model architecture, or even exploring different algorithms altogether.
SATURDAY Week Off Not Applicable
SUNDAY Week Off Not Applicable
MONDAY Deployment If your model performs well, consider deploying it for real-world use. This might involve integrating it into a web application, creating a standalone service, or even deploying it on mobile devices.
TUESDAY Certificate Distribution (Online) Hard Copy of the Certificate will be delivered by the post on your given corresponding address.